Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
CMOUSE.ZIP | Yes | 11404 | 7/27/1991 | Command Mouse is a mouse-based hard disk manager and menu system. (MorganSoft) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
CTRLC.ZIP | Yes | 5863 | 9/29/1992 | Ctrlc is a quick-and-dirty Ctrl-Break and Ctrl-C intercept handler. (Roger Pittman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CTRLCLIB.ZIP | Yes | 186431 | 10/17/1993 | Ctrl+C Library is a collection of C-language functions that help programs manage the user-initiated class of interrupts such as Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break Ctrl-Alt-Del, Alt-3, Ctrl-2, Ctrl-NumLock, Pause, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-PrtSc and more. (William J Letendre) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $33) |
CWSCR.ZIP | Yes | 31744 | 7/28/1991 | Cwscr contains C++ code modules for directly accessing mouse drivers and the screen. (Charles W. Haden) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
GAMEPRT.ZIP | Yes | 8287 | 8/18/1991 | Gameport is a small set of routines that allow you to read the position of the joystick. (Fred Richards) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GMICE.ZIP | Yes | 7078 | 6/22/1989 | GMice is a sample program to demonstrate how to write mouse interrupt handlers entirely in C. (Dwight N. Tovey) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GOODMOUS.ZIP | Yes | 247489 | 10/16/1993 | Mr. GoodMouse is a library of mouse and video services and character menus and windows for DeSmet C and QuickC. (American Abbey) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
GPORT.ZIP | Yes | 45267 | 4/9/1993 | Gport 1.01 is a game port library for C. (Bri Productions) (Reg.Fee: $27) |
KEYBOARD.ZIP | Yes | 6333 | 9/22/1994 | KeyBoard Graphics contains PCX images of the tops of keys. (CompuUtilize Services) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
KEYS.ZIP | Yes | 1125 | 10/16/1993 | Keys for C is a set of PC keyboard Defines and routines for C. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
KYBDEX.ZIP | Yes | 2454 | 10/16/1993 | KYBDEX reports on the presence of an extended keyboard and if the BIOS supports the extended keyboard. (Jim Drash) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MCDT.ZIP | Yes | 48505 | 1/27/1992 | Mouse Cursor Design Tool lets you design a mouse cursor and then generates the C code for it. (Dale D. Oliver) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
MOUSDM.ZIP | Yes | 2568 | 2/3/1990 | MousDM is a mouse driver demo with C source routines for using an MS compatible mouse in graphics mode. (James B. Burks) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MOUSE_C.ZIP | Yes | 24256 | 7/11/1990 | Mouse contains mouse routines and the resulting library. (Rodney Loos) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MOUSED.ZIP | Yes | 37851 | 3/16/1994 | Mouse Designer is a graphical mouse design utility. (Whales Tale Software) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
MOUSTR.ZIP | Yes | 39124 | 6/22/1989 | Mousetrap 1.0 is a collection of functions to control a mouse, designed to be called from a 'C' program. (James M. Curran) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
MOUSTRK.ZIP | Yes | 1945 | 9/18/1989 | Moustrk is C code showing how to implement a mouse event handler. (Bob Goldrich) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MPP.ZIP | Yes | 44420 | 10/7/1992 | Mouse++ is a mouse interface class for Borland C++ or TurboC++. (Carl Moreland) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
NOPAUSE.ZIP | Yes | 3659 | 10/16/1993 | NoPause demonstrates a way to disable the pause key. (Thomas Astin) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ONKEY.ZIP | Yes | 5239 | 10/27/1994 | Onkey is a C library of keyboard functions, including OnKey - calls a supplied function whenever a passed key is hit, InKey - waits n seconds or forever for a key to be pressed, PutKey - stuffs a keystroke into the keyboard and LastKey - retrieves the last key pressed. (Steve Bridges) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PCKEY.ZIP | Yes | 7377 | 8/22/1991 | PcKey 1.01 is a typing tutor with text or script files that are read from disk and executed like a program. (Andrew Sprott) (Reg.Fee: $15 pound) |
STUFFKY.ZIP | Yes | 12059 | 7/16/1991 | StuffKy contains an assortment of keyboard handling routines and technical information about the keyboard buffer. (Richard Kanarek) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TCRAT2.ZIP | Yes | 14244 | 1/10/1989 | Tcrat2 is a MS-compatible mouse driver to provide mouse support for Borland's Turbo C 2.0 Integrated Development Environment. (J. A. Smart) (Reg.Fee: $0) |